Roof Coverings & Steel Products

Roof coverings provide protection for roofs and structures and it prevents rain, moisture, heat, dust, etc. from entering the building from the top. Roof coverings do not share the load of the building and is securely fastened to the roof structure with various types of fittings and fixtures.

Roof Coverings

Assorted Colours

Roof Covering Colours

Roof Coverings & Bricks

Corr 10,5 AZ 200 Colourplus 0,47mmmR159,00R227,14
IBR 686 AZ200 Colourplus 0,47mmmR159,00R231,78
Corr 10,5 AZ 200 Colourplus 0,53mmmR185,00R264,29
IBR 686 AZ200 Colourplus 0,53mmmR185,00R269,68
SAFLOK 700 Colourplus AZ 200 0,47mmmR159,00R227,14
SAFLOK 700 Colourplus AZ 200 0,53mmmR185,00R264,29
SAFLOK 700 Alminium 0,8mm AZ200 ClolourplusmR220,00R314,29
PolyCarb SAFLOK 700 0,8mm Clear/Bronze/WhitemR389,00R555,71
PolyCarb Corr 0,8mm Clear/Bronze/White 760mmmR179,00R255,71
PolyCarb Corr 1,0mm Clear/Bronze/White 760mmmR195,00R278,57
PolyCarb IBR 0,8mm Clear/Bronze/White 760mmmR145,00R207,14
PolyCarb IBR 1,0mm Clear/Bronze/White 760mmmR190,00R271,43
Fibre Glass Corr/IBR 1mm all colours   495mmmR135,00R272,73
   *** Bricks*****  per1000
Maxi Brick NFX 110x220x90w ClayeaR6,98R6 980,00
Maxi Brick Appollo 110x220x90weaR5,88R5 880,00
Special** 27mpa Brick RB 22x108x73 NFX non FaceeaR3,79R3 790,00
Corobrick Clay Pavers Rustic Blend 50mm(48/m2)eaR7,69R7 690,00
Brick Red NFP 222x108x73mm 3hole plaster clay eaR3,79R3 790,00
Brick Red NFP 222x108x73mm Solid clay eaR3,96R3 960,00
Brick Blue Face NFX 222x108x73mm Solid clay eaR4,19R4 190,00

Nutec, Ceiling & Roofing Products

DESCRIPTION    “NUTEC Fibre Cement”UNITINCL.2,4m3,0m3,6m
4mm Nutec ceiling board per m2 – 1200 WIDEm2R69,00R198,72R248,40R298,08
4mm Nutec ceiling board per m2 – 900 WIDEm2R75,00R162,00R202,50R243,00
6mm Nutec ceiling board per m2 – 1200 widem2R147,00R423,36R529,20R635,04
6mm T&G Nutec ceiling board per m2 – 1200 widem2R175,00R504,00R630,00R756,00
6.4mm Rhinoboard – 900mm Wide ONLYm2R70,00R151,20R189,00R226,80
6.4mm Rhinoboard – 1200mm Wide ONLYm2R60,00R172,80R216,00R259,20 Rhinoboard   1200mmm2R65,00R187,20R234,00R280,80
12.5mm Rhinoboard T/E  Drywall Board x1200mmm2R80,00R230,40R288,00R345,60
12.5mm Firestop Rhinoboard m2R95,00R273,60R342,00R410,40
Barge boards 200 X 80 X 3.0meaR189,00   
200 X 80 PVC Barge board jointerseaR11,90   
12 X 150 A/C Fascia 3.6meaR289,00   
12 x 225 A/C Fascia 3.0meaR279,00   
12 x 225 A/C Fascia 3.6meaR319,00   
12 x 225 A/C Fascia JointereaR11,50   
12 x 300 A/C Fascia 3.6meaR545,00   
10×300 Fibre Cement Fascia 3,0meaR259,00   
9 x 225 A/C Handy Planks 3.6meaR255,00   
9 x 150 A/C Handy Planks 3.6meaR169,00   
7,5mm Wendy Plank Timber Grain 150×3600eaR129,00   
7,5mm Wendy Plank Timber Grain 225×3600eaR169,00   
75mm Rhino cove cornicem20,00   
Fibatape (45m)roll49,00   
4mm PVC H-jointing stripm10,00   
6.4mm PVC H-jointing stripm10,00   
Drywall corner bead 2,7m – Galvea74,00   
75mm Nu Cornice per mm22,00   
75mm Rhino cove cornicem21,00   
Cretestone (ceilings,walls) – yellow40kg389,00   
Rhinoglide (rhino wall joints)20kg399,00   
Rhinolite (ceilings,walls) – white40kg420,00   
18mm Shutterply 2.440×1.220 -G.A.R UNTREATEDea610,00   
21mm Shutterply 2.440×1.220 -Y.A.R UNTREATEDea745,00   
40mm Isotherm 10 x 1.2mroll415,00   
50mm Isotherm 10 x 1.2mroll425,00   
50mm Thermal Solutions 10×1,2mroll310,00   
75mm Thermal Solutions 8×1,2mroll420,00   
100mm Thermal Solutions 6×1,2mroll445,00   
135mm Thermal Solutions 5×1,2mroll550,00   
50mm Aerolite 10 x 1.2mroll389,00   
Lafarge Undertile membrane 30×1.5 – White roll469,00   
405 Sisalation 40×1.25roll1190,00   
Lafarge Ecosential D/S 30×1.5 (45m2)roll990,00   
Isoboard IsoPine  
SQM RateR165,00R220,00R275,00
4R660,00R880,00R1 100,00
4,2R693,00R924,00R1 155,00
4,8R792,00R1 056,00R1 320,00
5,4R891,00R1 188,00R1 485,00
6R990,00R1 320,00R1 650,00
6,6R1 089,00R1 452,00R1 815,00
7,2R1 188,00R1 584,00R1 980,00
8R1 320,00R1 760,00R2 200,00
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